

"The fear of God must be blessed"

经文:《诗》128:1-6 经训:《申》28:9-12 诗歌:138、286、349 Scripture: "Poems" by training 128:1-6: "Shen" 28:9-12 Poetry: 138,286,349

 Introduction: brothers and sisters, Bless!

Today I'm honored to once again have the opportunity to come together with you thinking the words of Scripture.

When the forest deacon invited me to share today, when I asked what message she wanted me to say?

 She said: "to talk about" Why do you believe in Jesus?

信耶稣有什么好处? "的信息"。
" What are the benefits of believing in Jesus? ”massage”.


After going back, I Pray light me, give me the words when speaking;
 all of a sudden, I remembered a very popular poem, is "poetry" section 128;
 and I received a Topic is very good - "the fear of God must be blessed!"

May God give the Holy Spirit at the moment of the provisional grid in our venue which will time the following were holy, so we kept the same light, with the edifying!

We first concerted prayer ... ...

一、(1-2)敬畏上帝事业顺利; A, (1-2) the smooth fear of God;

“ 1凡敬畏耶和华,遵行他道的人便为有福。2你要吃劳碌得来的。你要享福,事情顺利。” "1 Where the fear of the Lord, walking in his Road man blessed. 2 labor that you eat. You want to enjoy life, things run smoothly."

就是—— 敬畏上帝,必然蒙福!
 Encouragement: Psalm 128, Psalm of fifteen "upstream of the poem" The ninth chapter is a very popular pilgrim welcome the wisdom of poetry; it to express the central message is that - the fear of God is bound to Mongolia Fu!

就是—— 事业顺利!
 First, verses 1-2, the poet at the outset to note that the Mongolian reverence for God's blessing of the first is - a successful career!

 很明显,以色列民族是一个十分注重事业的民族,而上帝创造每一个人的目的,也是要每一个人按照上帝创造的目的,发挥上帝所赋予各人的独特恩赐,建立一番事业荣耀上帝之名! Clearly, the nation of Israel is a very focused business people, and God created each individual purpose, and to every person in accordance with the purpose of God, what God gives each one a unique gift of God to establish a career glory name!

 In terms of modern, business is also a topic of concern.

So how a person blessed by God in the cause of it?

 Here the poet made the cause of the blessed three basic conditions:

① 敬畏耶和华(心灵依靠神);
 ① fear of the Lord (spiritual trust in God);

② 遵行主的道(主道为标准);
 ② compliance of the Lord (Main Road, as the standard);

③ 吃劳碌所得的(亲手做正工)。
 ③ eat labor income (work being done by hand.)

 May the Lord's words shine upon us, so we went every one in the position where the awe, Jinzun main road, personally for the good works and, therefore, by every one of us have received from God the gift of the cause, went every one thriving, prosperous well, Meng main establishment, full of results!

【诗34:8-10】 “你们要尝尝主恩的滋味,便知道他是美善,投靠他的人有福了!耶和华的圣民哪,你们当敬畏他,因敬畏他的一无所缺。少壮狮子,还缺食忍饿;但寻求耶和华的,什么好处都不缺。”
【psaims 34:8-10】
  "Do you want to taste the taste of Grace, we know he is good, Blessed are those who trust in him! Saints of the Lord, ye that fear him, fear him because nothing missing. young lions, leaving a shortfall and hungry; but to seek the LORD lack no good thing. "

【Application】 28:9-12 "If you keep the commandments of the Lord your God, walk in his ways, he will do for your oath to establish you as his holy people. All people of the Lord to see you go the name, we should be afraid of you. you are the Lord swore to your fathers and give you the ground, he will make your body born of cattle, under, in the middle, are more than enough. the Lord will open for you treasures in heaven, on time and rain in your land. in your hands to do all the things that bless you. you shall lend to many nations, but not in lending to them. "

【弗4:28】 “从前偷窃的,不要再偷。总要劳力,亲手作正经事,就可有余分给那缺少的人。”
【Eph 4:28 】 "Once upon a theft, not to steal. Always have to labor with his own hands for serious things, it can be distributed to more than a missing person."

 II, (3-4) God-fearing family happiness;

“ 3你妻子在你的内室,好像多结果子的葡萄树。你儿女围绕你的桌子,好像橄榄栽子。4看哪,敬畏耶和华的人,必要这样蒙福。”
 "3 your wife in your room, as much fruit of the vine. Your children around your table, like olive seedling. 4 Behold, the fear of the Lord's people, need not be so blessed."

第一部分主要讲论的是事业的蒙福,第二部分诗人开始讲论,敬畏上帝所蒙的第二方面的福分,就是—— 家庭幸福!
The first part is about the cause of the blessed, the second part of the poet began to speak of the fear of God's blessing of the second mask, that is - a happy family!
Since ancient times, the general division of labor between men and women is "men, women inside."

Thus, a family blessed, the wife is a key figure.
 Here, the poet of a blessed family, his wife as "much fruit of the vine."

 This sentence, our understanding is often just "the wife gave birth to many."

 Indeed, in the Bible, fruitful, and multiply is a great blessing

! 但有人可能会讲:“现在国家提倡计划生育,这个福分我们是无法得到的了!”
 But some might say: "Now the State to promote family planning, the blessing we can not get it!" Actually, we should note that this sentence the most important is to "wife" as a metaphor for the "vine"!

 The concept of vines, in addition to much fruit, there are many valuable advantages:

 ① vine has large tracts of leaves, shade in the hot summer;
 ② the fruit of the vine, can give the thirsty to quench their thirst;
 ③ made of dried grapes can eat cake; or
④ lead glycol delicious wine, invigorating the human mind; even
 ⑤ grape root has medicinal value;
 ⑥ grape basket made of sticks can be produced, baskets and other home appliances;
 ⑦ branches, leaves dry, the fuel are also very good too!

 用犹太文明的一句话概括—— 葡萄树全身都是宝!
 Summarized by the words of Jewish civilization - the vines body is a treasure!
That is, fear of the Lord, and his wife like the vines that are as valuable,
 the good of families everywhere.

“儿女好像橄榄栽子围绕桌子”的意思,就是—— 看到儿女,就看到了茂盛的橄榄树的嫩枝和嫩芽,就看到了安慰(橄榄油可以滋润干裂的皮肤)和希望(橄榄树是生命、和平和盼望的象征)!
 "Children around the table like olive seedling" means, that is - see the sons and daughters to see the lush olive twigs and buds to see the comfort (olive oil to moisturize dry skin) and hope (Olive tree of life, a symbol of peace and hope)!

【箴19:14】 “房屋钱财是祖宗所遗留的,惟有贤慧的妻是耶和华所赐的。”
 Proverbs 19:14】 "Housing wealth is the legacy of our ancestors, the only virtuous wife is the LORD."

【箴31:10】 “才德的妇人谁能得着呢?她的价值远胜过珍珠。她丈夫心里倚靠她,
 Proverbs 31:10】 "virtuous woman who can get him? She is worth far more than rubies. Her heart trusted in her husband, will not lack interest, beneficial to her life to her husband."


【Psalms 119:47-52】
47, "And so that I may take delight in your teachings, to which I have given my love.
48,And so that my hands may be stretched out to you; and I will give thought to your rules.
49,<ZAIN> Keep in mind your word to your servant, for on it has my hope been fixed.
50,This is my comfort in my trouble; that your sayings have given me life.
51,The men of pride have made great sport of me; but I have not been turned from your law.
52,I have kept the memory of your decisions from times past, O Lord; and they have been my comfort.

II, (5-6) God-fearing enough to enjoy peace.

“ 5愿耶和华从锡安赐福给你。愿你一生一世,看见耶路撒冷的好处。
 "5 May the Lord bless you from Zion. May you for life, to see the benefits of Jerusalem.
 6 May you see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel."

the last part, the poet presented here four strong wishes:

 ① "May the Lord bless you from Zion"; "Zion" hidden meaning is "be preserved" and therefore can be understood as this sentence: "May you like Zion, as the LORD had a conservative."

 ② "May your whole life, to see the benefits of Jerusalem";
"Jerusalem" hidden meaning is "to enjoy peace", therefore this sentence
 can be understood as: "May you live to enjoy the benefits of safe and secure."

 ③ "May you see your children's children"; meaning:
 "May you live long enough to enjoy."

 ④ "Peace be upon Israel."

 "Israel" means "better than trial / management, such as
 God / God's Prince / Tongzhi with God," so this sentence can be
 understood as: "Peace be to all better than the test, and in accordance
with the will of God to serve God the voters of God! "

 94:12-14】 【poem, "Lord, ah, what you teach, and teach people to use the law,
 is blessed. You made him to enjoy in peace the day of trouble;
only evil trapped in the pit dug. Because Lord will not drop his people,
 nor forsake his inheritance. "

【腓4:4-7】 “你们要靠主常常喜乐;我再说,你们要喜乐。当叫众人知道你们谦让的心。主已经近了。应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。 神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。”
【Philippians 4:4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord always; I say, Rejoice. When Let your gentleness be evident. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication thanksgiving, present your requests to God. the peace of God which passeth all understanding, will keep you in Christ Jesus in the hearts and minds. "

 May God bless His Word, so that we fear God, career or family blessed enough to enjoy the peace!


 【26/4/2008 / Sinan Church Revival will】

