

诗篇 119:73——96


The psalmist made a wonderful affirmation that God’s faithfulness is
unto all generations [v. 90]. His faithfulness is displayed not only in His
Word but also in His works. The universe obeys His laws. Natural forces
such as the sun, moon and stars are regulated precisely by the power of
God. It was by His Word that the universe was created. Creation is therefore
an unwavering witness to the power of God’s Word.


God’s Word is settled forever. Nothing can change or destroy it.
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”
[Matthew 24:35].
From generation to generation, God is God and He hasnever changed. Our faith is
based on the surest thing in the universe—God’s Word. We have His Word to guide us
through our lives. It is not meant to help us escape the realities of life but to strengthen
our resolve in order to face life bravely.


By God’s Word was the world created and operated. The same Word can also guide our lives if
we put our trust in Him. When we trust God’s Word, we stand on a solid foundation in a constantly
changing world.
God is faithful to His Word and therefore we can commit our hearts to it.

思想: 再也没有比上帝的话语更可靠的了。
THOUGHT:There is nothing as dependable as God’s Word.

每日吗哪 当话语不代表什么时



It is common these days that a person’s word in a business deal does not
mean much.
We really cannot blame people for thinking that unless anagreement is made in writing,
it is virtually of no value. In fact, even if awritten contract is signed,
there is the problem of interpreting its wording when something goes wrong.
Observe the number of sportsmen (particularlyfootballers) who don’t see out
their contracts with their clubs.
Remember how Laban misled Jacob into serving him for Rachel’s hand in marriage?


God does not require us to make vows. Many times it is better
not to make a vow. In fact, we are discouraged by our Lord Jesus to make a
vow or an oath [Matthew 5:34]. A simple “yes” or “no” will suffice [Matthew
5:37]. When a man makes a vow, it does not mean that what he says will be
believed. The man who is always believed is he whose character is beyond
suspicion in all things, who obeys all the laws of God, and whose simple
declaration, therefore, is enough. A true Christian does not need oaths and
vows to make people believe in what he says.


Paraphrasing Ecclesiastes 10:12–14, the foolish are full of words;
the lips of a foolish man are his destruction. The first words of his mouth are
foolish, and the end of his talk is evil crime..

思想: 当我非常肯定时,还有发誓的必要吗?

THOUGHT: Do I need to vow if I can just affirm my intentions?



"The fear of God must be blessed"

经文:《诗》128:1-6 经训:《申》28:9-12 诗歌:138、286、349 Scripture: "Poems" by training 128:1-6: "Shen" 28:9-12 Poetry: 138,286,349

 Introduction: brothers and sisters, Bless!

Today I'm honored to once again have the opportunity to come together with you thinking the words of Scripture.

When the forest deacon invited me to share today, when I asked what message she wanted me to say?

 She said: "to talk about" Why do you believe in Jesus?

信耶稣有什么好处? "的信息"。
" What are the benefits of believing in Jesus? ”massage”.


After going back, I Pray light me, give me the words when speaking;
 all of a sudden, I remembered a very popular poem, is "poetry" section 128;
 and I received a Topic is very good - "the fear of God must be blessed!"

May God give the Holy Spirit at the moment of the provisional grid in our venue which will time the following were holy, so we kept the same light, with the edifying!

We first concerted prayer ... ...

一、(1-2)敬畏上帝事业顺利; A, (1-2) the smooth fear of God;

“ 1凡敬畏耶和华,遵行他道的人便为有福。2你要吃劳碌得来的。你要享福,事情顺利。” "1 Where the fear of the Lord, walking in his Road man blessed. 2 labor that you eat. You want to enjoy life, things run smoothly."

就是—— 敬畏上帝,必然蒙福!
 Encouragement: Psalm 128, Psalm of fifteen "upstream of the poem" The ninth chapter is a very popular pilgrim welcome the wisdom of poetry; it to express the central message is that - the fear of God is bound to Mongolia Fu!

就是—— 事业顺利!
 First, verses 1-2, the poet at the outset to note that the Mongolian reverence for God's blessing of the first is - a successful career!

 很明显,以色列民族是一个十分注重事业的民族,而上帝创造每一个人的目的,也是要每一个人按照上帝创造的目的,发挥上帝所赋予各人的独特恩赐,建立一番事业荣耀上帝之名! Clearly, the nation of Israel is a very focused business people, and God created each individual purpose, and to every person in accordance with the purpose of God, what God gives each one a unique gift of God to establish a career glory name!

 In terms of modern, business is also a topic of concern.

So how a person blessed by God in the cause of it?

 Here the poet made the cause of the blessed three basic conditions:

① 敬畏耶和华(心灵依靠神);
 ① fear of the Lord (spiritual trust in God);

② 遵行主的道(主道为标准);
 ② compliance of the Lord (Main Road, as the standard);

③ 吃劳碌所得的(亲手做正工)。
 ③ eat labor income (work being done by hand.)

 May the Lord's words shine upon us, so we went every one in the position where the awe, Jinzun main road, personally for the good works and, therefore, by every one of us have received from God the gift of the cause, went every one thriving, prosperous well, Meng main establishment, full of results!

【诗34:8-10】 “你们要尝尝主恩的滋味,便知道他是美善,投靠他的人有福了!耶和华的圣民哪,你们当敬畏他,因敬畏他的一无所缺。少壮狮子,还缺食忍饿;但寻求耶和华的,什么好处都不缺。”
【psaims 34:8-10】
  "Do you want to taste the taste of Grace, we know he is good, Blessed are those who trust in him! Saints of the Lord, ye that fear him, fear him because nothing missing. young lions, leaving a shortfall and hungry; but to seek the LORD lack no good thing. "

【Application】 28:9-12 "If you keep the commandments of the Lord your God, walk in his ways, he will do for your oath to establish you as his holy people. All people of the Lord to see you go the name, we should be afraid of you. you are the Lord swore to your fathers and give you the ground, he will make your body born of cattle, under, in the middle, are more than enough. the Lord will open for you treasures in heaven, on time and rain in your land. in your hands to do all the things that bless you. you shall lend to many nations, but not in lending to them. "

【弗4:28】 “从前偷窃的,不要再偷。总要劳力,亲手作正经事,就可有余分给那缺少的人。”
【Eph 4:28 】 "Once upon a theft, not to steal. Always have to labor with his own hands for serious things, it can be distributed to more than a missing person."

 II, (3-4) God-fearing family happiness;

“ 3你妻子在你的内室,好像多结果子的葡萄树。你儿女围绕你的桌子,好像橄榄栽子。4看哪,敬畏耶和华的人,必要这样蒙福。”
 "3 your wife in your room, as much fruit of the vine. Your children around your table, like olive seedling. 4 Behold, the fear of the Lord's people, need not be so blessed."

第一部分主要讲论的是事业的蒙福,第二部分诗人开始讲论,敬畏上帝所蒙的第二方面的福分,就是—— 家庭幸福!
The first part is about the cause of the blessed, the second part of the poet began to speak of the fear of God's blessing of the second mask, that is - a happy family!
Since ancient times, the general division of labor between men and women is "men, women inside."

Thus, a family blessed, the wife is a key figure.
 Here, the poet of a blessed family, his wife as "much fruit of the vine."

 This sentence, our understanding is often just "the wife gave birth to many."

 Indeed, in the Bible, fruitful, and multiply is a great blessing

! 但有人可能会讲:“现在国家提倡计划生育,这个福分我们是无法得到的了!”
 But some might say: "Now the State to promote family planning, the blessing we can not get it!" Actually, we should note that this sentence the most important is to "wife" as a metaphor for the "vine"!

 The concept of vines, in addition to much fruit, there are many valuable advantages:

 ① vine has large tracts of leaves, shade in the hot summer;
 ② the fruit of the vine, can give the thirsty to quench their thirst;
 ③ made of dried grapes can eat cake; or
④ lead glycol delicious wine, invigorating the human mind; even
 ⑤ grape root has medicinal value;
 ⑥ grape basket made of sticks can be produced, baskets and other home appliances;
 ⑦ branches, leaves dry, the fuel are also very good too!

 用犹太文明的一句话概括—— 葡萄树全身都是宝!
 Summarized by the words of Jewish civilization - the vines body is a treasure!
That is, fear of the Lord, and his wife like the vines that are as valuable,
 the good of families everywhere.

“儿女好像橄榄栽子围绕桌子”的意思,就是—— 看到儿女,就看到了茂盛的橄榄树的嫩枝和嫩芽,就看到了安慰(橄榄油可以滋润干裂的皮肤)和希望(橄榄树是生命、和平和盼望的象征)!
 "Children around the table like olive seedling" means, that is - see the sons and daughters to see the lush olive twigs and buds to see the comfort (olive oil to moisturize dry skin) and hope (Olive tree of life, a symbol of peace and hope)!

【箴19:14】 “房屋钱财是祖宗所遗留的,惟有贤慧的妻是耶和华所赐的。”
 Proverbs 19:14】 "Housing wealth is the legacy of our ancestors, the only virtuous wife is the LORD."

【箴31:10】 “才德的妇人谁能得着呢?她的价值远胜过珍珠。她丈夫心里倚靠她,
 Proverbs 31:10】 "virtuous woman who can get him? She is worth far more than rubies. Her heart trusted in her husband, will not lack interest, beneficial to her life to her husband."


【Psalms 119:47-52】
47, "And so that I may take delight in your teachings, to which I have given my love.
48,And so that my hands may be stretched out to you; and I will give thought to your rules.
49,<ZAIN> Keep in mind your word to your servant, for on it has my hope been fixed.
50,This is my comfort in my trouble; that your sayings have given me life.
51,The men of pride have made great sport of me; but I have not been turned from your law.
52,I have kept the memory of your decisions from times past, O Lord; and they have been my comfort.

II, (5-6) God-fearing enough to enjoy peace.

“ 5愿耶和华从锡安赐福给你。愿你一生一世,看见耶路撒冷的好处。
 "5 May the Lord bless you from Zion. May you for life, to see the benefits of Jerusalem.
 6 May you see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel."

the last part, the poet presented here four strong wishes:

 ① "May the Lord bless you from Zion"; "Zion" hidden meaning is "be preserved" and therefore can be understood as this sentence: "May you like Zion, as the LORD had a conservative."

 ② "May your whole life, to see the benefits of Jerusalem";
"Jerusalem" hidden meaning is "to enjoy peace", therefore this sentence
 can be understood as: "May you live to enjoy the benefits of safe and secure."

 ③ "May you see your children's children"; meaning:
 "May you live long enough to enjoy."

 ④ "Peace be upon Israel."

 "Israel" means "better than trial / management, such as
 God / God's Prince / Tongzhi with God," so this sentence can be
 understood as: "Peace be to all better than the test, and in accordance
with the will of God to serve God the voters of God! "

 94:12-14】 【poem, "Lord, ah, what you teach, and teach people to use the law,
 is blessed. You made him to enjoy in peace the day of trouble;
only evil trapped in the pit dug. Because Lord will not drop his people,
 nor forsake his inheritance. "

【腓4:4-7】 “你们要靠主常常喜乐;我再说,你们要喜乐。当叫众人知道你们谦让的心。主已经近了。应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。 神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。”
【Philippians 4:4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord always; I say, Rejoice. When Let your gentleness be evident. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication thanksgiving, present your requests to God. the peace of God which passeth all understanding, will keep you in Christ Jesus in the hearts and minds. "

 May God bless His Word, so that we fear God, career or family blessed enough to enjoy the peace!


 【26/4/2008 / Sinan Church Revival will】



飞扬讲章—— 《信而受洗》

  Introduction: brothers and sisters, Bless!

 Annual spring season, our church will be organized once or twice a baptism.

 Baptism, the Christian is concerned, is a very crucial event, this is our faith is a clear sign of maturity is the promised blessings of God is an important way.

那么,今天,我特地选用三处经文与弟兄姊妹分享关于信而受洗的三个属灵的意义,讲题是—— 《信而受洗》。
 Well, today, I specifically choose three verses to share with brothers and sisters in faith and is baptized on the spiritual significance of the three topic of is - "believes and is baptized."

 May the Holy Spirit with us so that we may bring the same to share the blessing!

我们同心祷告…… 一、信而受洗,领受圣灵;
” 劝勉:首先,洗礼对基督徒产生的第一层重要的意义,就是—— 信而受洗,领受圣灵!
We pray ... ... for a concerted, believes and is baptized, receive the Holy Spirit;】
【Acts 2:37-39】
37 ,When they heard this, they were pricked in their heart to the rest of the apostles Peter and said: "Brethren, what shall we do? "
38 Peter said:" Each one of you to repent, baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins may be forgiven, will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit;
39 For the promise is for you and your children and for all in the distance of whom the Lord our God shall call. "exhortation: First of all, the baptism of the first layer produced by the Christian significance is - believes and is baptized, receive the Holy Spirit!

 Often there are many different sects and different people, how to receive the Holy Spirit on the Christian teachings and to many different interpretations, we boldly assert that "many of which are individualistic voice of experience"; then, in the end it Christian to receive the Holy Spirit ?

When the apostle Peter, the Holy Spirit, for the first time the courage to stand up and preach the Bible tells us:
37 people heard this, they cut to the heart to the rest of the apostles Peter and said: "Brethren, what shall we do?" Acts Peter said to them: "Repent every one of you, baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins may be forgiven, will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit;
 39 For the promise is for you and your children, and to all who are far off, the Lord our God shall call. "mentioned here are two important aspects, the first is - to repent, and the second is - baptized; and then, through these two links, it will produce a result effect - that is, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit of God; and the Apostle Peter added that this promise is for all, including near, far away called the people.

 Some sects like the Holy Spirit always packed into some people's patents, and today we see clear: the Holy Spirit, it is true some people are not patented, but a saved person Qiemeng En shared!

However, Christians how to share these gifts?

The first is repentance, and the second is baptized; because they believe and willing to repent, because repentance and willing to be baptized.

 Can be said that believeth and is baptized Christians receive the Holy Spirit is the only way!

 【Too 3:13-17】
13, Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.

 14 But John tried to deter him, saying: "When I was baptized by you, on your hand, I'm here?" 15 Jesus answered and said: "Let it, because this is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness (or as" Li ")." Then he suffered him.

16 Jesus was baptized, came up immediately from the water.

 Heaven was opened, he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove down on him.

17从天上有声音说:“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。” 二、信而受洗,胜过世界;
8作见证的原来有三:就是圣灵、水与血,这三样也都归于一。” 劝勉:接下来,我们来看洗礼对基督徒产生的第二个层面重要的意义,就是—— 信而受洗,胜过世界!

 17, a voice from heaven said: "This is my beloved Son, I am well pleased." Second, believes and is baptized, than the world;】
 【about 5:5-8】
 "5 better than the world who? but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God do?
 6 that came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not by water, but by water and blood,
7 And the Spirit testifies, because the Spirit is truth.
 8 for there are three that bear witness: the Spirit, the water and blood, and these three agree in one. "exhortation: Next, we look at the baptism of the Christians have the second level of significance is - believes and is baptized, overcome the world!

 There are three things that Christians must go to victory: ① own; ② sin; ③ world.

 When we win these three areas, will win the power of death, victory of the devil, in Christ have taken it!

而这三者概括起来,我们要竭力去得胜的,也还是一个——世界(世界也包含了人和罪)。 And these three sum up, we have to strive to win, and also was a - the world (and the world also includes the crime.)

 So, how to win the Christian world?

There is still a "believes and is baptized," the homework!

Jesus Christ is itself mentioned here, "came by water and blood", and "the Holy Spirit as a witness," the.

 Mentioned here with our spiritual life are closely related to three things: ① water; ② blood; ③ the Holy Spirit.

These three things to run through the entire process of salvation: we enter the start of salvation is from the "water" to start, then Jesus Christ's "blood" because of our faith produces the fruit of the sin so that we be holy, received the "Spirit" of the grace of the Holy Spirit to help us win the world, winning the devil, winning the power of death, was the eternal blessing!

 The whole is a "must have life → clean → glory" of the process.

 Perhaps the brothers and sisters will find careful: we meet the cross sign and other places, some are not the same!

 In fact, this is my own design out of a pattern; of course, it is also hidden behind a certain theological: the mark made by the seven fabric to make a total of twelve patterns form; "Seven" and "Twelve" completely in the Bible represents, this design philosophy is "When the unity of brothers and sisters, come together, when to form a complete ① Church."

Seven fabrics in three colors, white as the background color to represent "the followers of repentance, baptism (water) to the Lord for ② clean" look white color seems to be less, in fact, is the back of the cross a white cloth; green color, on behalf of "the blood of Jesus, salvation, bringing us to update the ③ life"; yellow color, on behalf of "guidance by the Holy Spirit, Christians ④ brought the world victorious glory."

 Red carpet, on behalf of "Jesus Christ is our salvation ⑤ the basis of faith"; purple curtain, on behalf of "concentration depend on the Lord, must ⑥ honor as a reward"; curtain lace multi-fruit, on behalf of "The church with one accord, in the gospel, a witness, to bear the main ⑦ rich fruit."

 This colorful cross, to express the theology behind it, is how the Christian faith and is baptized, a victory by the Lord "may have life → clean → glorified" the entire process.

 Second Coming the day draws near, it becomes more and more generations after the end of evil!

5有敬虔的外貌,却背了敬虔的实意,这等人你要躲开。” 在这样凶恶的世代里面,愿我们都信而受洗,归依耶稣基督的名下,靠着主的圣名和圣灵的引导,胜过一切世界邪恶的引诱,在信仰上站立得住,在生活上荣神益人。 As the Apostle Paul in II Timothy 3:1-5】 【reminder of Timothy as:
 "1, you know, the last time there the day of danger
2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, puzzled resentment, to say slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good,
 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasures, not love God,
5 has a form of religion, but the real meaning back of the godly, the other to do with them. "ferocious in this generation which, may we all believe and be baptized, take refuge in the name of Jesus Christ, the holy name of the Lord and the Holy Spirit to guide, than all the world, the lure of evil, stand firm in faith, glorify God in their daily lives.

Third, believes and is baptized will be saved.

15他又对他们说:“你们往普天下去,传福音给万民听(“万民”原文作“凡受造的”)。 【Can 16:11-16】
"11 they heard that Jesus was alive and seen of her, believed not.
12 After this, the middle two of his disciples went into the country. Walking, He changed the image appeared to them
 13. they went and told the rest of the disciples; the rest of the disciples did not believe.
 14 Then the eleven disciples at his table, Jesus appeared to them, rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they do not believe that after he had risen to see him .
15 He said to them: "Go into all the earth, preach the gospel to the people to listen to (" the people "Text for" every creature ").

16 believes and is baptized will be saved, does not believe will be condemned.

当主耶稣复活之后,最先见到复活主的是抹大拉的马利亚,后来主又向因为灰心想回乡下去的两个门徒显现,但他们三个所说的,门徒都是不信;因此,主特地在一次十一门徒一同坐席的时候向他们显现,并且严严地责备了他们的不信,指出他们心里的刚硬来;然后,嘱咐他们要往普天下去传扬福音,并且赐给他们一个宝贵的应许—— 信而受洗,必然得救!



但一个不容忽视的事实—— 主来的日子已经近了,甚至可以说就在门口了!

 Finally, we look at the baptism of the third generation of the Christian significance level is - believes and is baptized will be saved!
 The first level of the promise of the Holy Spirit spoken through the apostle Peter,
the second level is the Holy Spirit promised by the Apostle John has said, and this
 third aspect of the faith and is baptized on the promise, but the mouth of our benefactor, about Jesus Christ. When the Lord Jesus, the first to see the resurrected Lord is Mary Magdalene, and later disappointed to return home because the main Youxiang two disciples to go on show, but three of them said, the disciples did not believe; Therefore, the Lord specifically sat with his disciples at a time when eleven appeared to them, and ruthlessly to blame their lack of faith that their hearts hardened to; and then asked them to spread the gospel into all the earth, and gave them a precious promises - believes and is baptized shall be saved! Recently, I believe every Chinese are very heavy heart, when we open the newspaper, turn on the TV, turn on the computer, we are most concerned about is the information Sichuan; when we see it day by day the number of casualties increased, we heart of Europe is more and more uncomfortable pain ... ... According to "Teng telecommunications network" in the News: As at 14:00 on May 17th, China Wenchuan earthquake has caused 2,8881 people were killed and injured 19,8347 people. Recently tracking reports in this regard, also received some of the less optimistic Trail Information: Brazil has a 9-year-old started from dreams, prophecy of the prophet, from 1973, said more than 30,000 cases so far predicted accuracy rate 90%, said the forecast for the next few years, the results are not optimistic: 1,2008 on September 13, occurred in Asia over a million victims of a Congress-scale earthquake and tsunami, the Asian country was many a legend in China; 2 2039 in some countries or regions, temperatures will reach 63 degrees, while global warming will lead the world in many countries is lost. We are full of hope that these predictions are not accurate! but one can not ignore the fact - the Lord The days are near, even at the door to say it! the face of such calamity days, many people feel fear, however, we believe and are baptized will be saved have already obtained the promise of the people, we the right response , but it is prepared should be more alert, waiting to greet the coming of Jesus Christ. "too" Chapter 24 "to" 13 told us: "5 for many will come in my name, saying: 'I am the Christ, 'and will deceive many people.
6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not troubled; because these things must happen, but the end is not yet.
 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; many there shall be famines, earthquakes.

8, these are the beginning.

“你们既受洗与他一同埋葬,也就在此与他一同复活,都因信那叫他从死里复活神的功用。 "West 2:12】 【" You buried with him in baptism, it was in the resurrection with him, have faith, who raised him from the dead God's function.
 "Conclusion: May God through His Word, blessed everyone present!
 Amen. (18/05/2008 / ai)


《云上有太阳》 "Cloud on the sun"

引言:在我结婚的时候,我读高中的班主任送了我一副对联,那副对联我觉得写得很好的! Introduction: Before I got married, my high school teacher gave me a couplet couplet askew I think well-written!
 The joint is: Weiguang wear opposing powers, thousands of miles into the sky to see fly wing to wing; the second line is: Xiao Hui Xi sunshine, Chiaki business tie the knot.
Later he told me, when I invited him to my wedding, he just in Shandong, fly back, he sent me all the way to think about what gifts to it?
 ... ... Just a cloudy day, when the plane took off, the sky was a dark misty, and then the aircraft took off, and rising, and finally through the clouds to the plane through the clouds, he saw a beautiful picture of exquisite : The original clouds in the sky above, but blue sky thousands of miles, sunny!
Wah Kwong and ten thousand maps interspersed in the clouds, it is truly wonderful!
 He Emmanuel a move, so out of a couplet.
 As he described, I have said to him, "sunny above the clouds," the landscape was impressed! …… ... ...

 Yes, according to the current global economic trends, perhaps, as economists put it, there is a big variable!
 Even Microsoft founder Bill Gates • In California, the "2009 Technology Entertainment Design Conference" on the forecast - "The United States will face 3-4 years of very difficult times, the recession may continue into 2012." United States is the world's leading the economy, so the next 3-4 years, the global economic situation may be not optimistic.
But in reality there, we also see more and more people laid off, employment months less (According to statistics, last year the national employment rate was only 7.5% of students); then rely on God as Christians to concentrate in such a special time, we should be encouraging to each other, in accordance with the teachings of the Bible in a trusting, positive attitude to ride it?
……这就是我们今晚要一同来探讨的内容—— 《云上的太阳》。
 ... ... This is what we come together tonight to discuss the content - the "cloud on the sun."
 愿主祝福我们以下的时间,使我们无论在如何的时候,不管我们眼前是什么样的光景,那怕摆在眼前的,就是密布的乌云;但我们依然有一个坚定信念—— 在乌云密布的背后,那明媚的阳光依然温暖、依然灿烂!
 May the Lord bless us with the following time, so that when we are no matter how, no matter what our eyes circumstances, even before us, that is, dense clouds; but we still have a firm belief - in cloudy Behind that bright sun is still warm, still brilliant!

Today, I chose two verses, the first at the "Poetry" 13, this is David's prayer in distress; The second is "too" 6:31-34 Festival, which the Lord Jesus We explicitly taught.
May Almighty Benefactor full of compassion to lead us of the time, so that we have, through these two verses together, have the consolation and encouragement!
We bow concerted prayer ... ...

 One to the hearts of sorrows before the Lord, convinced that the cloud on the sun;

《诗》13:1-6 (大卫的诗,交与伶长。)“1耶和华啊!你忘记我要到几时呢?要到永远吗?你掩面不顾我要到几时呢?2我心里筹算,终日愁苦,要到几时呢?我的仇敌升高压制我,要到几时呢?3耶和华我的神啊!求你看顾我,应允我,使我眼目光明,免得我沉睡至死;4免得我的仇敌说,我胜了他;免得我的敌人在我摇动的时候喜乐。5但我倚靠你的慈爱,我的心因你的救恩快乐。6我要向耶和华歌唱,因他用厚恩待我。”
"Poetry" 13:1-6 (David's poetry, delivery and Ling long.) "One Lord, ah! You forget me, how long? To be forever? Hide thy face I want to go long? 2 I mind prepare for making the day, and sorrow, to how long? my enemy be exalted over me, to how long? 3 O LORD my God! ask you to look at me, hear me, make me eyes, lest I sleep unto death; 4 lest my enemy say, I have overcome him; that trouble me rejoice when I am moved. 5 But I trust in your mercy, my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I sing to the LORD, for he good to me. "

《诗篇》第13篇,有解经家认为:这是大卫在亚杜兰洞时的作品,但我们发觉诗歌标题小注却告诉我们“这是大卫的诗,是交给诗班长带领诗班颂唱的。” 显然,大卫住在亚杜兰洞的时候,是没有诗班的!
 "Psalms" section 13, solvable by the family that: This is David in Adullam hole works, but we found a small note the title poem tells us, "This is the poetry of David, is the squad leader led to the poem Choir sings Song. "Obviously, David was living in Adullam hole, there is no choir!
Therefore, this is more likely to: David bit after consolidation, Cheng recalled anxiety panic escape that year career, felt the work for the memories.
 David fled more than a decade career, is often close call, walking on thin ice!
 At first, David, King Saul's jealousy because fled in panic, seeking refuge first fled to Gath Gath Wang Yaji, but is afraid of the Philistines suffered retaliation, so there is faking his illness to flee, and finally hid in the barren hills and remote places Adullam Cave; Bible "sprinkled" Chapter 22 tells us: At the time, those "who by the distress, debt, heart trouble, are gathered themselves unto him, and he became their leader; follow his About four hundred people. "and these of such a" same world people "not normal, but with no sense of security of David, fear that there would be any day, and suddenly went to Saul informant made nervous, it finished!
 Constant state of anxiety that the days of David was impressed, can not forget, now grace of God, finally comes a calm, Ever since, David Ling writing poetry a long cross and led the choir chant, one to commemorate, two for Thanksgiving!

 First, section 1-2, King David to talk to the hearts of the plight of God!
Let us recognize that: ① in helpless, unable to take off from the case, know how to have poured out to God, from a positive point of view, it is a kind of confidence in the performance of God.
 ② Do not rely on their own power to breaks against the thin, the Lord has shown us the direction of liberation!

 Section 3-4, King David prayed God watch over!
This section, we carefully analyzed to pray to God to see the poet's two very key aspects: ① (3 sessions) asked God to look after, so that they can understand God's good pleasure; many cases, we can not understand, can not obey, Because we can not understand God's mind.
② (4 sessions) Pray for the rise, so that they can triumph over the enemy.
Many times we pray for God free our difficulties, our conception is that they can no longer suffering, and neglect: the fact that our victory is Satan's defeat and shame; individuals have a small accident to make God's name be respected Wing is a Christian higher goal!

 Section 5-6, King David to God to express their confidence and gratitude!
 The last paragraph, we see the poet himself was God's healing and the establishment of: ① (5 sessions) praised the salvation of God; know how to praise God for the salvation of the Christian performance full of confidence, a lack of confidence of the people, do not know that the Lord had done for him what in the end.
② (6 sessions) praise God's Grace.
 Know how to count God's Grace, the performance of the Christian life and growth, a lack of life who does not know the Lord in the end gave him something.
 整个《诗》13篇,让我们看到:当我们因为种种原因,感觉心灵枯乾,好像惊弓之鸟,整天提心吊胆的时候,我们要坚定一个信念—— 云上有太阳!
 The "Poetry" 13, let's see: when we, for whatever reason, feel withered heart, as if frightened, nervous all day, we should strengthen our belief - the sun on a cloud!
Yes, when we know that love our Father, in charge of tomorrow, we also fear it?

 【Example 1, "not afraid": a pair of young couples cross the river by boat, only to the middle of a storm of wind, a small boat tossed by the waves shook the exception, his wife scared Mianrutuse and trembling; husband, contented calm, leisurely lying .
 妻子发急地问他:“这么大的风浪,船都快翻了,你一点都不怕吗?”丈夫一言不答,却从船舱里抽出一把刀来,对准妻子的胸口问她:“你怕不怕?”妻子说:“我不怕!因为我知道你是不会害我的,所以我一点也不怕!”丈夫说:“这就对了!因为我也深信这风浪,在于天父的掌管之下,他是何等的爱我!若他不许可,我就连一根头发也不会失掉;若他许可,也自然有他的美意在其中!所以,我也就一点都不怕了!而且,就算船真的要翻,怕又有什么用呢?”妻子听了这话,觉得有道理,于是闭起眼睛默默祷告…… 】
 Impatient wife asked him: "such a big storm, boat almost turned over, you was not afraid of you?" Her husband not a word, but never pulled a knife to the cabin, asked her chest aimed at his wife: " are you afraid? "his wife said:" I am not afraid! because I know you will not harm me, so I do not afraid! "the husband said:" That's right! because I firmly believe that this storm is that the Father the charge, he is what love me! if he does not permit, I will not lose even one hair; if his permission, naturally has his good purpose at this! So, I also was not afraid of it! Moreover, even if the ship really have to work, afraid of what is the use? "the wife heard this, they were reasonable, so pray silently with their eyes closed ... ...】

【箴言3:5-6】 “你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明,在你一切所行的事上,都要认定他,他必指引你的路。” 【林后12:9-10】 他对我说:“我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全。”所以,我更喜欢夸自己的软弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。 】 【Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your deeds, and have found him, he will direct your paths." Cor 12:9 - 10 As he said to me: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made complete weakness." So, I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
 I am for Christ's sake, with weaknesses, insults, emergency, in persecutions, hardships to be joyful, because when I am weak, and when strong.

 Second, God the Father know that I need, Enron stability degrees per day.

《太》6:31-34 “31所以,不要忧虑,说:吃什么?喝什么?穿什么?32这都是外邦人所求的,你们需用的这一切东西,你们的天父是知道的。33你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。34所以,不要为明天忧虑;因为明天自有明天的忧虑;一天的难处一天当就够了。”
 "Too" 6:31-34 "31 So do not worry, saying: What to eat? Drink? Wear? 32 These are the Gentiles seek, and you need of all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that The. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 So do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow because tomorrow its own concerns; the difficulties of day When the day is enough. "

第二处的经文,是主耶稣亲口教导我们:要学习一个功课,就是——仰望上帝,平安度日! Second Department of Scripture, the Lord Jesus Christ himself taught us: to learn a lesson, that is - look up to God, peace live!
Today, many people why not be able to initiate dedicated to attentive service it?
 In fact, in addition to the problems of life, the most important issues in life or worry about!
 So, Christians should not worry about life's problems should it?
In my opinion: people Proverb worries.
Christians to live, it is necessary to prepare for making the hearts of some; However, if this becomes contemplated when the pressure to appear should not be it!
 Because the Lord Jesus has told us: eat and drink things worry is people do not believe in God (Gentiles) performance; Christians have to learn and looking to God, entrusted to God, in God's will (seek first His kingdom and His righteousness ) were safe through the day!

 Circulating in the West such a beautiful legend:

【Example 2, "the carpenter's burden": Once upon a time there was faith in Jesus the carpenter as to offend the king's relatives, by deliberately making things difficult for the king, the king limit him the next day, you have to hand over 111,111 pounds fine sawdust (Xie), otherwise, it is death!
 Carpenter's friends have comforted him, and advised him to concentrate depends on God, God save, we all pray for him.
Carpenter home, saw his wife and children cried a lot for him, he took the advice of friends turn persuade his wife and children, and family kneel pray without ceasing.
很快,天破晓了,眼看着太阳慢慢地爬出地平线,全家人都沉默下来,等候命运的决定。 Soon, the break of day, watching the sun slowly climbing out of the horizon, the whole family was silent, waiting for fate decision.
 Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, the carpenter of the family said reluctantly: "I went about caught the tortured people." Side of that side to open the door.
 Door open, it really is the king who sent the carpenter family are very sad!
 但国王的卫士却说:“木匠,你不要怕!国王昨天晚上驾崩了,现在你给他做一口棺材吧!”全家人立刻跪下来,满心欢喜赞美神…… 】
 But the king's defender said: "carpenter, do not be afraid! Jiabeng King last night, and now you give him a coffin, now!" The whole family at once knelt down and praise God with joy ... ...】

 Yes, the salvation of our God is so surprising!
The things we encounter, and he knows all; all we need, he will be ready!
 因此,如同【腓4:6-7】所讲:“应当一无挂虑,只要凡事藉着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。 神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。”面对不可预料的明天,愿所有属神的子民,都常存坚定不移的信,凡事仰望、凡事交托,蒙神引领、安然度日!
 Therefore, as Philippians 4:6-7】 【spoken: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. The peace of God which passeth all understanding, will in Christ Jesus your hearts and minds in the conservative. "face the unpredictable future, I hope all of people belonging to God, have always kept a firm faith, always looking, always entrusted by God to lead, Enron live! …… ... ...

 Conclusion: It is true!
 Perhaps tomorrow's space, will still be cloudy; the road ahead may still be rugged!
 But we sincerely believe that: even if tomorrow is still cloudy, but behind the clouds, bright sun is still warm, still brilliant!
 Even if the road is still rugged, but our every step, the main guidelines are personally!
 May God's Word as our hearts encouraged, so that together we learn this spiritual lesson: hearts of sorrows to the Lord before, convinced that the cloud on the sun; Father know that I want, Enron stability degrees every day!

 (22/03/2009 / ai)


Introduction: last Friday night, after the end of choir singing, time is not too late, I look on the net.

 刚挂上QQ不久,就有一个人加我的QQ,说自己“ 是基督徒,有问题要问我 ”!
 QQ just hang soon, some one add me QQ, said her "was a Christian, there are questions to ask me!"

 I added her friends.

她就说: 牧师,我想问一下:没有受洗的,上帝一样会垂听我们的祷告吗?
的恩典也一样能接收到吗 ?”

我说:“ 受洗,是基督徒承认自己是一个罪人,需要耶稣基督的救恩,并且立定心志要接受耶稣基督为自己生命的主,一生一世、永远跟随!而在上帝、魔鬼和众见证人面前,表明自己立场坚定的一个决志的礼仪
 一个人能否接受上帝的恩典,完全在于Ta对上帝的信;而上帝垂听任何人的祷告,但保留了是否应允、何时应允的主权 ! ”
然后她又说:“ 那就是说,相信上帝的,也不一定要受洗 ?”我说:“ 受洗是基督徒当今的本分,是效法主尽诸般的义!因此,基督徒接受救恩之后,有机会一定要受洗
主是'上帝的羔羊,出去是人罪孽的',尚且主动接受约翰的洗礼,何况我们这些常常罪孽缠身之人呢 ? ”
她就接着问:“ 那我听有牧师说,至少要读完四福音之后才能接受洗礼,是这样的吗 ? ”我在回答她:“ 不同的教会对洗礼的资格有不同的要求,但圣经的标准就是—— 已经明白救恩,并且乐意接受的,就可以立刻受洗
 ”她说:“ 我明白了。谢谢牧师教诲 !”
我说:“ 感谢主吧!愿主祝福你 。”

She said: "Pastor, I would like to ask: is not baptized, God will hear our prayers, like it?
 His grace can receive the same?"
I said: "The baptized Christians admit that he is a sinners need salvation in Jesus Christ,
 and standing to accept Jesus Christ as his efforts toward the master of life, whole life,
 always follow! and in God, the devil and all the witnesses that his firm stand, a decision for the ceremony. A man can accept God's grace is completely Ta letter to God; and God will hear any person of prayer, but retains it promised, when promised sovereignty! "Then she added:" That is to say, I believe God, not necessarily to be baptized? "I said:" Today's sub-baptized Christians, we are following the Lord fulfill all righteousness! Therefore, Christians accept the salvation, the opportunity must be baptized. because the Lord Jesus out of the three-year-old preacher, baptized the first thing to the West! Lord is the 'Lamb of God, out of human sin', yet it forward to receive the baptism of John, not to mention those of us who are often ridden sins of the people?, "she then asked: "Then I heard a pastor say, at least after reading the four Gospels to be baptized, is that right?" I answered her: "baptism of different churches of different eligibility requirements, but the biblical standard is - has come to understand salvation, and are willing to accept to be baptized at once! "She said:" I see. Thank you, teaching pastor! "I said:" Thank the Lord it! God bless you. "

基督徒接受福音之后,常常面临一个挣扎,就是—— 到底要不要受洗呢?
 After receiving the Gospel Christians, often face a struggle, that is - in the end it should not be baptized?

上次去安徽布道的时候,我发现安徽教会有一个关于洗礼的错误认识,就是—— “ 没有受洗的信徒是小孩,已经受洗的信徒是大人;小孩子犯错误上帝不会打,大人犯错误上帝就要打 ”表面上似乎何有道理,事实上却是祸害无穷!
 Last visit to Anhui sermon, I found the baptism of Anhui church have a misconception about, that is - "not baptized believers are children, adults have been baptized believers; a child of God is not going to make mistakes, adults make mistakes God will fight! "would appear to any reasonable, in fact very damaging!

 According to this argument further reasoning, at least lead to three kinds of adverse effects:

1 、信徒因为惧怕上帝打,就不愿意洗礼 (后来受洗的,大部分都是信主几十年的老人家!)
 1, the believers to fight because of fear of God, will not want to baptism; (later baptized, most of them are decades old believers!)

2 、信徒因为自己还没有受洗,而不怕故意犯罪 (因为还是“小孩”,上帝不打嘛!)
 2, because he has not yet baptized believers, without fear of intentional crime; (because or "child", God does not play it!)

3 、因为这种似是而非的道理,影响教会圣工的正常运作
3, because this specious reasoning, affect the normal operation of the Church workers.

 (Where the church baptism did not take place ten years!)

 Later, when I preach, directly pointed out the error to this argument.

 感谢主的恩典! Thank the Lord's grace!

Finally, when called for enrollment baptized, the response was very enthusiastic!

 Two churches, a total of "77 +34 = 111" entry under the name of Jesus Christ were baptized.

 With the weather warming, we are the work of the Baptist Church's annual re-start.

 Perhaps, in our midst, there are a lot of brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters with the same Anhui, in fact, my heart has been fully accepted Jesus Christ, salvation, and secretly determined to follow the Lord forever!

却依然在“ 是否受洗 ”这个问题上徘徊不定…… 因此,我今晚特地预备了《太》3:13-18节,“ 耶稣受洗 ”这段经文,与弟兄姊妹一同来探讨一个课题——《 当尽的义行 》。
Is still in the "Baptism is" lingering uncertainty on this issue ... ... Therefore, I specially prepared tonight, "too," 3:13-18 Day, "the baptism of Jesus," this passage, together with brothers and sisters to explore a topic - - "When doing the righteous."

May the Holy Spirit to lead us less time to make us find grace to have created the same. 我们同心祷告…… We pray ... ... Concentric

 First, the spirit of humility
【太3:13-14】 13,当下,耶稣从加利利来到约但河,见了约翰,要受他的洗。
 【Matthew 3:13-14】 13, Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.

14 But John tried to deter him, saying: "When I was baptized by you, on your hand, I'm here?"

耶稣受洗的背景,就是:当时,施洗约翰出来在约旦河边传道,呼吁世人要“ 懊悔己罪、归向上帝 ”;然后,很多人都去领受约翰的洗礼。
Background of the baptism of Jesus, is this: At the time, out in the West side of John the Baptist preaching, calling people to "repent his sin, God"; then, a lot of people go to receive the baptism of John.

 Scripture shows that Jesus of Nazareth had already left, came into Galilee, and perhaps is watching, waiting time to complete the salvation of the Church of God entrusted to work.

 当施洗约翰出来施洗的时候,主耶稣立时“ 从加利利来到约但河 ”,要受约翰的洗礼。 When John the Baptist out of the Baptist, the Lord Jesus immediately "from the Galilee to the Jordan", to be baptized by John.

 Jesus, John the Baptist initiatives that both surprised and confused!

 施洗约翰是上帝的先知,他知道耶稣本是无罪的羔羊,而他所传的乃是悔改的洗礼,是为有罪之人预备的;因此, 当主耶稣来到他面前要受他的洗时,他首先是惊讶,接着是疑惑,然后才是顺从
 John the Baptist is the prophet of God, he knows he is innocent of the lamb, but he preached the baptism of repentance, is prepared for the guilty person; Therefore, when the Lord Jesus came to him to be baptized by him when He first surprised, then puzzled, and then the submission.

他所惊讶的是: 主耶稣贵为圣子,竟然自我降卑来接受凡人的洗礼
 His surprise: for the Lord Jesus your Son, even self-humbled to accept the baptism of mortals?

他所疑惑的是: 主耶稣本来圣洁无罪,何竟要来接受象征悔改的洗礼呢
 His doubts are: the Lord Jesus had holy innocence, how is she to be a symbol of the baptism of repentance to accept it?

从主耶稣的举动,让我们学习到的第一个功课,就是—— 心灵的谦卑
 Move from the Lord Jesus, let us learn the first lesson is - the soul of  humility.

【太11:29】 “我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。”
 【Matthew 11:29】
 "gentle and humble in my heart, bear my yoke upon you and learn from me style,
so that your heartew will find rest for your souls."

【弥6:8】 “世人哪!耶和华已指示你何为善,他向你所要的是什么呢?只要你行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行。” 
【Micah6:8】 "He has made clear to you, O man, what is good; and what is desired from you by the Lord; only doing what is right, and loving mercy, and walking without pride before your God.."

【箴22:4】 “敬畏耶和华心存谦卑,就得富有、尊荣、生命为赏赐。”
Proverbs 22:4】 "humility and fear of the LORD are riches, honor and life as a reward."

 Second, when do the righteous

【太3:15】 15,耶稣回答说:“你暂且许我,因为我们理当这样尽诸般的义 (或作“礼”) 。”于是约翰许了他。
【Matthew3:15】 15 ,Jesus answered and said: "Let it, because this is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness (or as a" gift ")." Then he suffered him.

 The first part, we said: When Jesus offered to wash the subject to John when John began to feel very surprised and suspicious.

 然后,主耶稣对约翰表明自己的意思,说:“ 你暂且许我,因为我们理当这样尽诸般的义 ”在这里,我们看到了主耶稣为洗礼增添了一个新的意义,就是—— 尽诸般的义 (礼) 。
 Then, the Lord Jesus to John that his meaning, said: "Let it, because this is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." Here we see the baptism of the Lord Jesus has added a new meaning, that is - fulfill all righteousness (ceremony).

至此, 施洗约翰终于明白了主耶稣的心意,配合主耶稣为一切虔诚敬畏之人,树立了一个美好的、顺服的模范,为主耶稣举行了洗礼
 At this point, John the Baptist finally came to understand the mind of Jesus, the Lord Jesus with reverence for all religious people, and establish a good, obedient to the model, held a baptism of Jesus.

 Yes, Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, to come to remove the sin of the world who, he was perfectly holy innocence, yet it is willing to self-humbled, willing to fulfill all righteousness and accept only the crime world in need of repentance talent baptism, what to leave behind a better example!

 May all feel pious, God-fearing person, able to follow the example of Christ's faithful, in the heart of manifest good sense, always humble, thoughtful, all in front of God and all sorts of gift lines, fulfill all righteousness!

【罗5:18-19】 “18如此说来,因一次的过犯,众人都被定罪;照样,因一次的义行,众人也就被称义得生命了。19因一人的悖逆,众人成为罪人;照样,因一人的顺从,众人也成为义了。”
 Rom 5:18-19】 【"18 Having said that, because of the offense of one, people have been convicted; even so by the righteousness of one, all will be said in justification of life. 19 by one man s disobedience many become sinners; so by the obedience of one shall many be made ​​righteous. "

【来4:15-16】 “15因我们的大祭司并非不能体恤我们的软弱;他也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样,只是他没有犯罪。16所以我们只管坦然无惧地来到施恩的宝座前,为要得怜恤,蒙恩惠,作随时的帮助。”
【To 4:15-16 "15 For we are not a high priest can not sympathize with our weaknesses; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16, so we just have confidence to come to the mercy the throne, may receive mercy and find grace to help at any time. "

 Third, the imprint of the Holy Spirit
【太3:16-17】 16耶稣受了洗,随即从水里上来。
【16】 too 3:16-17 Jesus was baptized, came up immediately from the water.

 Heaven was opened, he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove down on him.

 17, a voice from heaven said: "This is my beloved Son, I am well pleased."

第三部分,当顺服的神子、我们的主耶稣基督从水里上来的时候,圣经描绘到“ 天忽然为他开了,有圣灵仿佛鸽子降下,落在他身上。从天上有声音说:'这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。' ”很多时候,我们总是不能确定我们是否已经领受了圣灵?
The third part, submit to the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, when they came up from the water, the Bible depicts the "heaven was opened, and the Spirit like a dove down on him. A voice from heaven said: ' This is my beloved Son, I am well pleased. '"In many cases, we always can not determine whether we have received the Holy Spirit?

如今,因着主耶稣美好的经历,让我们清楚地认识到: 当我们真真正正地认罪悔改,接受耶稣基督为主,并且凭着这信接受洗礼,归于耶稣基督名下的时候,圣灵就会从天降临,内住在我们的里面
Today, because of the wonderful experience of Jesus, let us clearly understand: when we genuinely repent and accept Jesus Christ as Lord, and baptized With this letter, attributed to the time under the name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit from heaven, in which we live.

【例子:《 天国的列车 》:有一辆列车,它的终点站就是天国。
【Examples: "the kingdom of heaven Train": There is a train, its destination is the kingdom of heaven.

Thus, there is the bustling people start the car.

 Some people quickly bought his ticket, and then from the door on the train; some people did not buy a ticket, and then climb from the train window ... ... Soon, the train has started, some people rush to buy tickets because of late also quickly squeezed the car.

 列车一路行走,途中不时有天国列车的乘警出来提醒乘客:“ 各位乘客,没有车票和买到假票的人,都不能进天国的!如果您还没有买票,或者买的是假票的,请赶紧补票吧 !”于是,有一些乘客开始补买车票……在漫长的旅途当中,乘客上上下下,有时候车厢里挤满了人,有时候车厢里的乘客寥寥无几……最后终于到站了!
 Train all the way to walk, the way the kingdom of heaven from time to time to remind passengers of the train marshals out: "Dear passengers, no tickets and bought fake tickets to people, can not enter the kingdom of heaven! If you do not have tickets, or buy a forged ballot paper in the Please hurry replacement ticket now! "So, some passengers began to make up to buy tickets ... ... which in the long journey, passengers up and down, sometimes carriage full of people, sometimes very few passengers in the car ... ... Last finally arrived!

 World, usually in the middle of the train to check tickets, but the kingdom of heaven before the end of the train is checked the road!

天国的警察说:“请出示您的车票!然后凭车票从正门进入天国。”……于是,人们鱼贯下了列车,买了车票的乘客取出车票,天国警察校验一下他们的车票,就放行让他们进去了。 Police said the kingdom of heaven: "Please show me your ticket! Tickets from the main entrance and then by heaven." ... ... So, people in single file down the train, bought his ticket out of the passenger ticket, the police check what their heaven Tickets to be released so that they entered.

 最后,剩下没有车票和手里拿着假车票的一群人,警察把他们拒之门外,对他们说:“对不起!没有票和买到假票的人,都不能进入天国!”那些人开始紧张了,就说:“竟然不让我们进去,就把我们送回去吧?天已经黑了,天气又冷的!”天国警察对他们说:“对不起!天国的列车只此一趟,不会再开回去,也不会再有第二趟的列车了。途中不是常有天国乘警提醒你们:' 没有车票和买了假票的人,请赶紧补票 '吗?你们为什么不听呢?现在一切都来不及了!”说完之后,天国警察都走进天国,并且关上了天国的大门。
 Finally, the left hand did not leave tickets and group tickets, the police put them away and said to them: "Sorry! No vote and the people who bought fake tickets, can not enter the kingdom of heaven!" those who began to get nervous, and said: "We did not let go, put us back to go? already dark and cold it!" the kingdom of heaven the police told them: "Sorry! the kingdom of heaven is only for this trip train , will not open back, it will not have a second train of the trip. marshals his way to remind you that the kingdom of heaven is not often: 'no ticket, and people who bought fake tickets, please hurry replacement ticket' it? Why do not you listen to it? all too late now! "After much talking, the police have entered the kingdom of heaven kingdom of heaven, and closed the door to heaven.

 Do not buy fake tickets to those who buy tickets and can only helplessly teeth in the door of heaven, never regret it!

这是我自编的一个寓意故事:“ 列车 ”就是 教会 ;“ 乘客 ”就是 信徒 ;“ 车票 ”就是 耶稣基督的救恩 ;“ 乘警 ”就是 传道人 ;“ 乘客上上下下 ”说明 不是所有人都能坚持到最后 ;“ 天国的警察 ”就是 主耶稣 ;“ 没买票 ”就是 没有救恩的凭证 (圣灵的印记);“ 买假票 ”就是 没有纯正的信仰 ;结局就是 真正信耶稣的人进天国,没有正信的人不能进天国
This is my self as a moral tale: "Train" is the Church; "passenger" is the believer; "ticket" is the salvation of Jesus Christ; "marshals" is the preacher; "passengers up and down" that not all can stick to the end; "heavenly police" that the Lord Jesus; "I did not buy a ticket" is no evidence of salvation (the imprint of the Holy Spirit); "buy fake tickets" is not pure faith; end who is the real Jesus Christ go to heaven, not beliefs, can not go to heaven!

亲爱的弟兄姊妹, 当我们凭着真正的信,领受赐下圣灵的洗礼(信而受洗) ,圣灵就必内住在我们里面,成为我们必然得救的印记,使我们从今以后持守圣洁、蒙 神悦纳
 Dear brothers and sisters, as we have with the true faith, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit baptism (believes and is baptized), he shall dwell in the Holy Spirit in us, we will be saved as the mark, so that from now on we hold on holy acceptable to God!

结语: 最后,愿圣灵保惠师感动在座的弟兄姊妹,还“ 没有买票 ”的,或者“ 买了假票 ”的,赶紧“ 补票上车 ”!
 Conclusion: Finally, may the Holy Spirit the Comforter moved here brothers and sisters, and "not buying", or "bought fake tickets", and quickly, "the replacement ticket on the train!"

 要记住: 天国的列车只跑一趟,绝对不跑第二趟的,能上车的就赶紧买票上车,该补票的也赶紧补票上车,免得将来在天国的门口咬牙切齿、后悔莫及了!
 Remember: the kingdom of heaven is only a trip to the train, definitely do not run the second trip, and can quickly buy a ticket on the train to the car, the replacement ticket's also quickly replacement ticket on the train, so in the future teeth in the door of heaven, regret and the!

 愿上帝的话语赐福在座的每一位,使大家心存谦卑、尽诸般的义,领受印记、蒙 神悦纳,罪得赦免、得享永生!
 May God bless the Word of everyone here, so we feel humble, fulfill all righteousness, received the mark, acceptable to God, forgiveness of sins, to enjoy eternal life!

 Amen.                                                   (31/05/2009/仁爱) (31/05/2009 / ai)